Overcoming Bullying: A Journey from Harassment to Empowerment


Hey there, beautiful souls! Today, I want to share a piece of my story—a journey that began in the shadows of bullying and harassment. But this story isn’t about dwelling in the darkness; it’s about finding the bright light of empowerment and resilience.

Overcoming Bullying: My School Bus Incident

It all started on a school bus, of all places. One seemingly innocent day, a boy, eager for attention, asked me an inappropriate question about my non-existent sex life, implying things about self-gratification. Shocked and embarrassed, I shyly shook my head “no” and awkwardly shuffled to another seat, hoping to distance myself from the debauchery. This boy had previously tried to get my attention in various ways, but I had never shown interest. Little did I know, that innocent moment would snowball into a whirlwind of rumors and bullying, turning me into the unwilling star of a gossip show I never signed up for.

Bullying in College: A Continuation of Harassment

The rumors followed me to college. Imagine my shock when I discovered that my graduation photo was being used as a prop in public places, accompanied by derogatory comments. This mischief was orchestrated by a former schoolmate who had also previously tried to date me. Despite our minimal contact, he harbored an obsession with harassing me. This led to being followed and harassed by various individuals. Anytime I was seen with someone of the opposite sex, it automatically meant the deed was occurring which sparked more rumors and harassment.

The turning point came during my sophomore year of college. After a particularly humiliating encounter where I was publicly taunted, I decided enough was enough. The person responsible for this public shaming was yet another boy who had attempted to get my attention in the past. I sought help from the college counseling center, where a kind and understanding counselor listened to my story. She helped me realize that I wasn’t powerless and encouraged me to take a stand. With her support, I began documenting every incident and gathering evidence. I also started attending self-defense classes to rebuild my confidence and assertiveness.

Resolution: Empowerment and Advocacy

This experience ignited a passion within me to advocate for others who faced similar challenges. I started a support group for bullying and harassment victims, providing a safe space for others to share their stories and find solidarity. Through this group, I realized the power of community and the importance of standing together against bullying.

I also began sharing my story to raise awareness about the impacts of bullying and the importance of mental health support. These actions not only helped me heal but also empowered others to speak out and seek help.

Empowerment After Bullying: Finding Strength

Despite the ongoing harassment, I’ve continued to live and enjoy life. I attended church, gave back to the community, I remained available for my aging family members, and I’ve found joy in creating whenever I could. Most importantly, I embraced my journey, flaws and all, and turned it into a platform for empowerment. I wanted to shed light on the dark corners of bullying and inspire others to stand tall, no matter what life throws their way.

Message of Hope for Bullying Victims

So, to all the beautiful souls out there who have faced their own shadows, remember this: You’re not alone, and your story is worth sharing. Let’s turn our scars into stars and light up the world with our resilience! Keep shining bright, my friends!

Internal and Outbound Links for Further Support

For more resources and support, check out these links:

And don’t forget to explore more about our community and resources:


Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Remember, you’re not alone, and together we can create a brighter future. Let’s empower each other to rise above bullying and harassment.



43 Responses

  1. Yes, I remember being on the bus and he would always talk about sexual things, even though there were little kids on the bus, like elementary school. It was very unsettling. Made me uncomfortable totally gross. I’m sorry this happened to you. Glad you’re doing well.

  2. Girl , I’m proud of you but when did you have time to do this. I mean you already work two and a half jobs. lol You volunteer and created all this too??? You never cease to amaze me.

    1. Now you know, Allicia don’t sleep. She didn’t get tired and had 6 jobs way before the song came out. LOL

    1. I agree…this is not cool or funny. It is scary and unsafe. Anyone doing this period let alone following a person for years has some sort of personal problem. Evil, obsessed and demented. Who knows what they or anyone associated with them would do. Get a lawyer and firearm!

  3. We love Allicia! She’s hard working and keeps to herself. No drama no problems and is always helpful.

  4. I’ve known Allicia since we were teens. She’s definitely not a garden tool. She’s human. I do t know anyone that actually knows her to dislike her. She’s sweet, giving, and shys away from people. There’s nothing to dislike, she doesn’t do anything. Unless you’re unkind to her…even in that case it takes a while to build up 😆

    1. Definitely not a garden tool. She’s a cool homebody and barely talks to or deals with people like that.

    2. She was not and is not a garden tool. Young immature boys and men will claim and do anything. Anyone doing or saying this don’t even know her. Be wary of the messenger…

  5. What kind of low intelligent and Godless people would repeat what a perverted jailbird, a clear sociopath and its cronies have to say anyway?!?

    1. Exactly…Definitely not raised well. Even entertaining the topics for discussion says you’re without class.

  6. I can concur. I worked at a school with her and she’s about her business. Nice but comes in the building she does her job and bounces. Perfect.

  7. Allicia’s like the best friend you didn’t know you had. Somehow she just always shows up for you..

  8. She’s definitely a beast at whatever she puts her mind to. Give her something and she will get it done.

  9. Yup. Definitely not one of those . I could see her being naive and young. But like other people have said she keeps to herself doesn’t even talk to men or try to date people lake that.

  10. Yeah, she will mow the lawn, stain a fence, wire some lights, paint a picture, and catch dinner all before 5 AM. Definitely a beast

  11. WTF? This has got to be the most Bit#% behavior ever heard of from dudes. Hell naw ain’t nothing that serious to have me out here acting worse than a female.

  12. My experience with Allicia is like the others. Her caring heart shines through in everything she does, despite the evils of others. She is an inspiration.

  13. We love her too.. the kids look for her. She’s great but definitely short on the small talk.

  14. I’ve known Allicia for over 10 years, and she is one of the most respectful and reserved individuals I know. She rarely dates and has always carried herself with grace.

  15. Allicia is so chill and laidback. Anyone who has a problem with her either is the problem themselves or don’t know her.

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